We have had the pleasure of playing with nationally touring, regional, and local acts alike including: Caroline Smith www.carolinesmithcarolinesmith.com The 4ontheFloor www.4otf.com Koo Koo Kanga Roo www.kookookangaroo.com America www.venturahighway.com General B and The Wiz www.generalbandthewiz.com The People Brothers Band www.peoplebrothers.com McNasty Brass Band www.mcnastybrassband.com River Glen www.riverglenmusic.com Ruben www.rubentheband.com Ali and The Scoundrels www.aliandthescoundrels.com Driftwood Bones www.facebook.com/driftwoodbonesmusic/ Dan Dimonte and the Bad Assettes www.dandimontemusic.com TABAH www.tabahmpls.com Church Dads www.churchdads.com The Coax www.facebook.com/Jackandcoax/ Filthy Animals www.filthyanimalsband.com The Ultrasounds www.theultrasoundsmusic.com The Civil Engineers www.thecivilengineers.com